Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 40 or so: MAILIN' IT IN

(¡Hola de España!)

Saludos from Barcelona, where I have very limited Internet access, and why the hell am I even on the Internet anyway?* I wanted to get a quick post up before I leave to Madrid later today (and then Porto on Wednesday) - a post that will tell you absolutely nothing informative about Barcelona.

As a result of fall break and my vacation in the Iberian Peninsula, I won't have time for many updates. But I still wanted to give the loyal readers something to do. So I've decided to create an a study abroad/Europe Q&A. Just like this awesome fat white guy did.

Anyway who is anybody e-mail me anything at, and I will answer as many questions as I can when I return. I don't expect more than three questions anyway (two from Grandpa Nelson), but ask me any type of questions about London or food or traveling or why the Red Sox will not die or lions on horseback and I will do my best to answer.

Foot notes

*To check my fantasy football team, of course. C'mon Matt Cassel I need a big week out of you.

1 comment:

Steve W said...

f**k Matt Cassel, by the way