Wednesday, October 1, 2008



The streets were packed. Ramadan had ended. And I had never seen Edgware Road, where I lived, so alive before.

Along all the Islamic stores lining the streets, hookahs (shishas) were smoked, families were devouring meals at the delicious Lebanese restaurants*, and everyone appeared in a jolly mood. (and by jolly I mean...Paaar-tay!)

I wish I could've done more as weaved my way through the crowd. It's a culture I never see in the parts of America that I live. And what better way to be a part of that culture for the first time than than with a massive street party. (Wooooooo.)*

Oh well, here's a photo from the good times. Looks like a red carpet affair.

Sarah Minor / Instead of a caption, I'm just gonna plug Sarah's blog.

Foot notes

*Actually that photo just looks like hummous, and it looks a little gross. But seriously, come to Edgware Road for the lamb shwarma.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that was an amusing sight.