Brad Winkelman / Amsterdam manages to be both super busy and super shiny.
(Let's never go there again.)
How do I describe Amsterdam without making it sound like it was some type of 72-hour drug-addled circus-like nightmare? Well, I don't know if I can because the city is seriously out of some kind of trippy dream. Yes, even without drugs. Amsterdam is just a place everyone needs to experience.* It's not easy to describe, nor to even display through pictures (though I'm gonna try.) Tourists must immerse themselves into this culture.* Do as much as you can.* See everything, explore every crevice because this place is...out there. From the Red Light District* to Rembrandtplein, every area of this colorful place will leave you awed. And by the time you're done you'll be thinking:
"Wow, that was really amazing. Uh, I think I want to go home now."
And then, you'll enjoy a 12-hour bus ride home that includes a ferry trip from Calais, France to the Cliffs of Dover. Oh wait, you won't enjoy that part.
Anyway, before I bombard you with photos I stole from three roommates I went with (Will, Brad and AJ), I'll list three things in Amsterdam you won't find anywhere else. But don't take my word for it. Just gooooo.
Three things super unique to Amsterdam:
1. McDonald's next door to a porno shop.
2. Coffee shops everywhere but no Starbucks. (Apparently, coffee shop patrons are looking for something other than a 13 shot venti soy hazelnut vanilla cinnamon white mocha with extra white mocha and caramel.)
3. Sex museum, vodka museum, hash museum, anyone? At this point, it appears the Dutch are just mocking us.
4. Trees that can uproot themselves, walk around and even talk. Nahhh just kidding. I didn't see that. But I did see this:
Courtesy of (read: Stolen from) Brad Winkelmann. His blog called "A Winkel in Time" rules. Also I stole some pics from Will's facebook photo album. Here's his blog.

Will photographs the canal during the day.

Brad photographs the Red Light District canal at night. Go teamwork!

Oh you wild and crazy Nederlanders. Peace, man!

Prude? Or do I just really advocate Fanta?

This photo was my idea. I just think Dank U would be a funny name for a university in Amsterdam. It makes too much sense.
Click this box. It's a glorious panorama by Brad. Plus you get to see male crossdressers!

Foot notes
*You can totally experience Amsterdam without doing drugs. It's a beautiful, crazy-ass city.
*Once again not advocating drugs here.
*OK, I actually am advocating drugs with this asterisk. Just kidding! Be cool. Stay in school. But visit Amsterdam during summer break.
*It's a common misconception that the Red Light District is just a city running amok with harlots, strumpets and ho-bags. But even while ignoring the ho-bags, the Red Light District is actually a stunning area that's filled with many profitable businesses outside of the world's oldest. In other words, it's not just an area for perverts but even just regular tourists. (though much of the businesses there do straddle a fine line between vulgar and...uh, I don't know I just wanted to say "straddle." hehe