Friday, November 14, 2008


(Let's Dance)

Hey it's French techno artists Daft Punk.

In an hour or so I leave for Paris until Tuesday morning. Originally, when I arrived in England I had no intention of heading there. After mulling it over I realized that was stupid. Now it beat out Germany/Austria and Italy as the destination for my last trip because I just figured it was stupid not to go there. I mean if you're in Europe and you have four months, you need to hit up the City of Lights. Oui oui.

But first you need a Paris packing playlist. For the playlist, I decided to take music from each place I traveled to/plan n traveling to so far in Europe. It turned into, well uh you might not like half the songs, but it's certainly eclectic. There's everything from Dutch punk to Portuguese fado to Dutch metal. Now let's celebrate* this momentous journey to Paris (Hit play on that thing below. And you can skip backward and ahead, quite easily too):

London music:
Well there's too much good music out of England, so I had to limit it to Londoners. That means punk and David Bowie from the movie Labyrinth.

Netherlands music:
Okay, those quirky Dutch like two types of tunes.
1. Songs called "Twilight Zone.*"
2. Metal sung by female lead singers with a choir providing backing vocals.

Spanish music:
A hip-hop band in the style of flamenco (jipjop flamenkill) - that would be Ojos de brujo. And then there's everyone's hero Enrique Iglesias.

Portuguese music:
Ornatos Violeta is an amazing band that I first heard in a club in Porto, and the group does actually hail from the home of Port wine (well, before they broke up). Also, here's the song I heard by them in the club. It's glorious.
Also, here's some Mariza. Portugal's fabulous fadista, and the only act on this list I've seen in Daytona Beach. Yeah, it was random, mas muito bem! Also, random: Steve Perry, ex-lead singer of Journey is Portuguese. Never forget that (Or perhaps, Don't stop believing.)

French music:
First there's everyone's favorite French act Daft Punk. Don't forget to check out their oft-celebrated "Around the World" video, directed by famed French director Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). Actually, check out the video Gondry made for his own band that he drummed in - Oui Oui.
The other French song belongs to Yannick Noah: a former French Open winner, husband of Miss Sweden 1978 and father of this beautiful man. Yannick can do it all.

Liverpudlian music:
That would be The Beatles. Too many songs to choose from, so let's just go with two that represent traveling, ay?

And then back to America:
The theme song to Team America: World Police. **** yeah!

Foot notes:

*Speaking of celebrating, Happy Anniversary Steve and Lori Levin. Congratulations on 25 years! I could barely live with either of you for 18 years so a quarter-century is impressive. Here reward yourself with some Air Supply.

Also, a happy 22nd birthday to both Catherine Lawson and Michelle St. Peter. You two just turned really old earlier this week, which means you both also deserve some Air Supply.

*Two more Dutch bands worth mentioning that are neither Dutch metal or singers of a song called "Twilight Zone." The irritating Venga Boys (Remember that "we like to party song"), and the quite awesome Urban Dance Squad. Do yourself a favor and check out: Deeper Shade of Soul.

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